

致辞 时间:2021-08-31 手机版


  世界防治荒漠化和干旱日(World Day to combat desertification),1994年12月19日第49届联合国大会根据联大第二委员会(经济和财政)的建议,通过了49/115号决议,从 1995年起把每年的6月17日定为“世界防治荒漠化和干旱日”,旨在进一步提高世界各国人民对防治荒漠化重要性的认识,唤起人们防治荒漠化的责任心和紧迫感。

Message on World Day to Combat Desertification


17 June 2014


“Land Belongs to the Future – Let’s Climate Proof It”


  Land degradation, caused or exacerbated by climate change, is not only a danger to livelihoods, but also a threat to peace and stability. The warning signs lie in conflict between pastoralists and subsistence farmers competing for more productive land and communities fighting over increasingly scarce water resources. We see the symptoms of insecurity in global food market volatility, internal displacement and mass migration.


  While land degradation is acutely felt in the world’s arid lands, some 80 per cent is actually occurring outside these areas. More than 1.5 billion people subsist on land that is degrading – the majority of whom are small farmers. Climate change directly threatens their productivity. In many regions, freshwater resources are declining, food-growing areas are shifting and crop yields are faltering.


  Globally, unpredictable and extreme weather is predicted to have an even greater impact on food production. With world population rising, it is urgent that we work to build the resilience of all productive land resources and the communities that depend on them. We need to manage the land sustainably, avoid further degradation, and reclaim and repair that which has been damaged. More than 2 billion hectares of land have potential for restoration and rehabilitation. We need to inspire action that will prompt the recovery of these areas.


  Recovering land that is degrading will have multiple benefits. We can avert the worst effects of climate change, produce more food and ease competition over resources. We can preserve vital ecosystem services, such as water retention, which protects us from floods or droughts. And a comprehensive and large-scale approach to land recovery can create new jobs, business opportunities and livelihoods, allowing populations to not only survive but thrive.


  The theme of this year’s World Day to Combat Desertification is “Land belongs to the future, let’s climate-proof it”. It can be done, as communities in Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali have shown by recovering more than 5 million hectares of degraded land. Let us take inspiration from these and other examples and protect and nurture the land for this and future generations.



  联合国于第63届联合国大会上将每年的6月8日确定为“世界海洋日”(World Ocean Day)。联合国秘书长潘基文就此发表致辞时指出,人类活动正在使海洋世界付出可怕的代价,个人和团体都有义务保护海洋环境,认真管理海洋资源。 2009年联合国将首个世界海洋日的主题确定为“我们的海洋,我们的责任”并将其日期调整到6月8日。
