
  • 泰坦尼克号片段赏析英语作文

    010在线为您甄选多篇描写泰坦尼克号片段赏析英语作文,泰坦尼克号片段赏析英语作文精选,泰坦尼克号片段赏析英语作文大全,有议论,叙事 ,想象等形式。文章字数有400字、600字、800字....缓存时间: 2021-08-31

  • 《我的英语老师》英语作文赏析

    我的英语老师-My English Teacher我的英语老师姓李,他30岁了。他特别喜欢体育,所以看起采既年轻又强壮。他还很喜欢唱歌。每当我们上课累了的时候,他就教我们唱一些英文歌曲。有时还给我们讲一些有趣的故事。他经常鼓励我们用...

  • 英语作文:食品安全


  • 英语作文:我的一天

    第1篇:My DayToday is Friday. It is my thirteenth birthday. I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily. My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents. I went to school e...

  • 英语作文 我的清明假期

    The Qingming (Pure Brightness) Festival is one of the 24 seasonal division points in China, falling on April 4-6 each year. After the festival, the temperature will rise up and rainfall increases. It is the hig...

  • 英语作文:军训的作用

    In our country, when we go to middle school, we must attend to the military training. Most students are afraid of it, because the training often happens in hot summer. In summer days, the weather is too hot to ...

  • 英语作文:雾霾天气的英语作文

    During the 15 days from New Year’s Eve to Lantern Festival, Beijing was affected by smog for more than half the time, because of which people suffered a lot. On the road people drove slowly because they could ...

  • 英语作文:Changes in Our City「精选」

    英语作文:Changes in Our City「精选」随和社会的发展,我们居住的城市也变得越来越美好。下面是介绍城市变化的英语作文,供大家参考。英语作文一:great changes has happend nearly this years.with the economy and science developed at a very speed,we can fe...

  • 英语作文:我未来的计划

    The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it.——by Johan Wolfgang von GoetheHave a good plan for the future that can remind us which direction and road shoud be towar...

  • 英语作文:保护环境

    英语作文:保护环境英语作文:保护环境(To protect the environment)The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today. Water is polluted; we have no clean water to drink. Many trees are cutting down, some...

  • 英语作文雪景

    英语作文雪景一到冬天就是下雪天,到处白雪皑皑,充满了欢声笑语,想必我们都很喜欢下雪看雪吧。英语作文雪景一Entered in 2012, on the other day under a heavy snow. Like the other day also Yangchun warmest March on more than 2:00...

  • 英语作文人物比较

    一篇好的些人作文中,最主要的是描写笔下人物的`外貌特征,一起看看下面的英语作文人物比较吧!英语作文人物比较【1】My grandfather is very kind to me. He loves me very much. I am the apple of his eye,but when it come...

  • 英语作文感谢信的格式

    英语作文感谢信的格式英语作文感谢信的格式写英文感谢信的时候你是怎么写的?看看下面的`英文感谢格式吧!英语作文感谢信的格式【1】Dear David (name of your friends),Many thanks to you for inviting me to your party. I've spent a sweet n...

  • 英语作文:What should we thank?

    英语作文:What should we thank?我们应该感恩什么?The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with we existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to t...

  • 压岁钱-英语作文

    Lucky moneyThe spring festival is the loveliest in China, which is comes in February. Everyone loves it so much that prepare lots of things of the spring festival before it comes. In the spring festival holida...

  • 英语作文:读书是好习惯

    Reading Is a Good HobbyWith development of science and technology, new knowledge comes every day。 If you stop learning even for a day,you will be lost。 Reading is a good way to help you keep in touch with t...

  • 英语作文导游介绍我市的情况

    中国加入 WTO 后,有一大批外国人来我市——河源参观,英语作文(导游介绍我市情况)。假设你是导游,请根据以下内容,向外宾简单介绍我市的情况。要求: 1. 100 词左右; 2. 要点包括: a. 有悠久的`历史,位于广东的东北部,...

  • 英语作文之如何减少恐惧

    英语作文之如何减少恐惧导语:行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫、拖延将不断滋养恐惧。下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!经历如何减少恐惧I used to be very afraid of getting up in front of people and speaking. I ...

  • 竞争与合作 英语作文

    有合作就会有竞争,大家知道怎么写竞争与合作的英语作文?竞争与合作 英语作文1When it comes to competition and cooperation, some people always emphasize competition but neglect cooperation. Their reasons run as fol...

  • 我的家庭(My family)英语作文

    我的家庭(My family)英语作文我的家庭(My family)I love my family,because I have a happy family.My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.He likes playing basketball.What’s my mother jop?Is she a teacher?Yes,you’...

  • 英语作文题目专项训练题中考备考

    根据下面的汉语提示写一个60字左右的口头通知:假如你是班长,你们要举办英语讲座(lecture)。1 时间:3 月1日星期五下午3 点至五点2 地点:阶梯教室(lecture theatre)3 讲座人:北京大学李平教授4 报告的内容:怎样学英语5 要求...