

辞职信 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  1998年,我作为一个债券交易员,加入了AIG。随后,成为了商品和权益交易部门的主管。在危机发生的的数年前,被提升为商品部门的业务开发主管。在这段时间内,我的部门持续盈利,大部分的年头都能获利超过1亿美金。最近,在 AIG-FP 解体的过程中,我也是主要负责把声誉良好的商品指数部门卖给瑞士银行的人。如你所知,类似这样把业务单位卖掉的交易,对于AIG的生存、以及将来偿还美国纳税人的援助,是非常必要的。

  The profitability of the businesses with which I was associated clearly supported my compensation. I never received any pay resulting from the credit default swaps that are now losing so much money. I did, however, like many others here, lose a significant portion of my life savings in the form of deferred compensation invested in the capital of A.I.G.-F.P. because of those losses. In this way I have personally suffered from this controversial activity — directly as well as indirectly with the rest of the taxpayers.

  显而易见,我的薪资报酬主要来自于我们部门的高盈利。我从来没有从现在导致公司巨额亏损的 CDS 交易中领过1分钱。而且,我和许多 AIG-FP 部门的同事一样,在这些亏损的 CDS 交易中,损失了不少毕生积蓄,因为我们都把推迟支付的工资,投资在 AIG-FP中。如同广大的美国纳税人一样,我们从未从CDS交易中获利,却深受其害。

  I have the utmost respect for the civic duty that you are now performing at A.I.G. You are as blameless for these credit default swap losses as I am. You answered your country’s call and you are taking a tremendous beating for it.

