

书信 时间:2021-08-31 手机版


  A. 开头语

  1. Thank you for your letter of September 1.

  2. Many thanks for your kind letter which reached me yesterday.

  3. You letter come to me this morning.

  4. I was delighted to receive your letter.

  5. I am in receipt of your letter.

  6. It’s a long time since I saw your last.

  7. I have been missing you a lot since we met last time.

  8. I am sorry for not writing to you sooner.

  9. I am writing to you tell that ……

  10. I often think of you. How are you recently?

  B. 结束语

  1. Good luck!

  2. Best wishes!

  3. Take care of yourself, will you?

  4. Send my love to your…

  5. Please write to me when you have time.

  6. Please write soon.

  7. Let’s keep in touch.

  8. I am looking forward to your next letter soon.

  9. Thank you for an early reply.

  10. Please tell me if you need my help.



  1. 你是一个中国学生,对美国攻打伊拉克很关注。

  2. 战争已经持续十多天了。这些天来,大约二十万美、英士兵一直在攻击伊拉克(Iraq) 。到目前为止,已经有很多房屋被摧毁(destroy) ,数以百计的平民(civilians) 在战争中被打死。伊拉克的儿童不能安静地上学,甚至连吃的都没有。

  3. 希望美、英立刻停止战争,让伊拉克人民能重新过上平静的生活,让伊拉克的儿童重新回到课堂。


  1. 这是一封写给美国总统呼吁停止战争的信。措词要恰当。要以学生身份去写。

  2. 一些关键词:last 持续, two hundred thousand 二十万,be killed 被打死,live a…life 过着……生活,care about 关注。

  3. 要正确使用被动语态。  [参考范文]

  No. 28 Middle School


  April 8, 20XX

  Dear Mr President Bush,

  I am a student from China. All my classmates and I are caring about the war between your country and Iraq.

  So far, the war has lasted about ten days. During these days, about two hundred thousand soldiers from your country and Britain have kept attacking Iraq. Many houses have been destroyed. Hundreds of civilians have been killed in the war. What’s worse, the children in Iraq couldn’t go to school like the children in your country and all of us. They even have no food to eat.

  Mr President Bush, will you please stop the war at once? Let the people in Iraq live a quiet life and let the children go back to their schools, will you?


  Li Lei
