

教案 时间:2021-08-31 手机版


  Type of lesson: New Lesson

  Teaching aims: Learn to use functional sentences, key structures, and words to introduce one’s friends by listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  Teaching contents:

  1. Topic: Art & Literature

  (1) Talk about art and literature.

  (2) Talk about artists, painters and writers

  (3) Tell stories

  (4) Make decisions and give opinions

  2. Functional Sentences: Making decisions and giving opinions.

  (1) What shall we do?

  (2) Would you like to …?

  (3) I’d like to …

  (4) Maybe we could …

  (5) I’d prefer to …

  (6) Which do you prefer, … or …?

  (7) Can’t we …?

  (8) There are several things we could do.

  3. Vocabulary:

  (1) Word: literature, comedy, local, exhibition, power, magic, trick, series, forehead, treat, unhappy, habit, villager, shoulder, whisper, stupid, announcement, character

  (2) Phrases: a series of, in trouble, come across, believe in, turn around

  4. Grammar: Review the Attributive Clause (The Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause)

  Period 1 Warming up & Listening

  Teaching aims:

  1. To get students to know something about art, literature, and famous painters.

  2. To train students’ listening ability for catching specific information.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 ------ Leading in (warming up)

  1. Ask the students to have a competition to guess the person according to the given information. (Match the information with the given names on page78)

  (1) Vincent van Gogh

  He is a painter of Holland. He lived in the 19th century. He is famous for his idea of emotional expression in painting. His great works include Bedroom at Arles, Starry Night and Crows in the Wheatfields.

  (2) Leonardo da Vinci

  He is an Italian painter. He lived during the 15th and 16th century. He is well known for his works like The Last Supper and Mona Lisa. Besides, he is also a sculptor, architect, engineer, and scientist.

  (3) Pablo Picasso

  He is a Spanish painter. He is widely known as the most important artists of the 20th century. But many people say it is not easy to understand his paintings.

  (4) Qi Baishi

  He is a Chinese painter. He lived a very long life, crossing two centuries, from 1864 to 1957. He is not only good at painting, but also good at making poems and sculpture.

  2. Ask the students to find out the right painter of each painting. ( match the given names with given pictures on page 28 Exercise 1)

  3. Ask the students in a group of four to discuss what kind of paintings they like and why.

  Ex: Where can they see the paintings?

  Step 2 ------ Listening comprehension

  1. Go through the task with the students and make sure what to do before you play the tape.

  2. Play the tape for 3-4 times and give specific instructions of what to do each time.

  3. Let students check their answers in pairs and then with the whole class.


  Art Paintings/Picasso Beijing Opera/ Peking A Theatre play – The Tempest

  Place Capital Museum Music Hall, on Green Street Grand Theater

  Time Monday – Friday 4pm – 8pm Thursday at 7 pm March 3, 7pm

  Prices Adults: $5

  Children: $3

  Groups: $2 (min. 5 people) Adults: $7

  Students: $5

  Under 14: $3

  Groups: $4 Adults: $10

  Under 18: $8

  Groups: $6

  Period 2 Speaking

  Teaching aims:

  1. To train students’ speaking ability.

  2. The students are trained to explain English words in English.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 ------ Leading in

  1. Ask students to review the functional sentences of phoning.

  (1) Hello. This is …

  (2) May/Can/Could I speak to …?

  Step 2 ------ Functional sentences learning

  Task 1 ------ Inviting someone to a film

  1. Ask students to read the situation (Student A part) and fill in the table.

  Name Last Chance Under the Moon

  Kind Action Romantic comedy

  Content The hero has to save his girlfriend who has been taken away by a bad man. A funny film about a girl and her boyfriend who have an adventures vocation.

  Attraction The film has lots of actions: fast cars, shootings and fights. The film is sweet and funny and has a happy ending.

  Ticket price $ 3 $ 4

  Time Sunday 6 pm Sunday 8 pm

  Place Red Sun Cinema Green Field Cinema

  2. Ask the students to read Student B part.

  (1) Which film do you want to see?

  (2) What kind of is it?

  (3) What is the film about?

  (4) What is the most attractive in the film?

  (5) How much is each ticket?

  (6) When and where is the film shown?

  3. Ask students to act out the two situations in turn according to the card.

  A: Hello, this is …

  B: Hi, … Would you like to …?

  4. Ask the students to present their dialogues.

  Task 2 ------ Finding out the information of the festival

  1. Ask the students to read the given information and the functional sentences.

  2. Ask students to act out the situations according to the table.

  Time Table

  Saturday Sunday

  9 am Classical music 9 am Play

  11 am Art exhibition 11 am Lunch and Music

  1 pm Pop concert 3 pm Art exhibition

  5 pm Picnic 6 pm Folk Music Concert

  7 pm Rock concert

  Ticket Prices

  One day Adults -- $ 25 Under 18 -- $15 Groups -- $10

  Two days Adults -- $ 35 Under 18 -- $ 25 Groups -- $15

  (1) What can I do at the festival?

  (2) When is the Pop concert?

  (3) What paintings can I see at the festival?

  (4) When is the picnic?

  (5) Is there any discount for a two-day visit?

  (6) What’s the difference between a one-day ticket and a two-day ticket?

  Task 3 ------ Summarizing the functional sentences of making decisions and give


  (1) What shall we do?

  (2) Would you like to …?

  (3) I’d like to …

  (4) Maybe we could …

  (5) I’d prefer to …

  (6) Which do you prefer, … or …?

  (7) Can’t we …?

  (8) There are several things we could do.

  Period 3 Reading

  Teaching aims:

  1. To get students to learn something about Harry Potter.

  2. To train students’ reading ability.

  3. To instruct students to realize the real world in a suitable way.

  Teaching procedures:

  Part 1 ------ Pre-reading

  Step1: Show some pictures of the movie Harry Potter and ask students some questions.

  1. Do you know this boy? Who is he?

  2. Do you like him? Why?

  Step 2: Show students the covers of Harry Potter and introduce the author.

  1. Do you know who create Harry Potter you like very much?

  2. The author of Harry Potter is a lady named Joanne Kathleen Rowling. Until now Rowling has published a series of books about Harry Potter. They are:

  Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret

  Harry Potter and the Prison of Azkaban

  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

  Part 2 ------ While-reading

  Step1: Ask students to read the passage as quickly as possible, and answer the following questions.

  1. The passage is about ______.

  A. Rowling B. Harry C. magic D. a happy life

  Step2: Reading for the detailed information and finish True or False statements on page 81.

  1. Harry Potter is a world-famous writer. (F)

  2. Harry Potter was born in a rich family and grew up with his mother and

  father. (F)

  3. Harry Potter is a boy with a scar on his forehead. (T)

  4. Harry goes to an ordinary school. (F)

  5. Harry learns a lot about the real world at Hogwarts. (T)

  6. Harry discovers that it is easy to do the right things. (F)

  Step3: Dealing with difficulties in understanding the words and sentence structures.

  1. Ask students to find the sentences with the following word in the text and do the words-matching.

  (1) It’s a world of magic and wonder, where anything can happen.

  Magic: wonder

  (2) JK Rowling has written a series of books about Harry Potter.

  A series of: a number of things come one after another.

  (3) A boy with scar on his forehead.

  Forehead: part of a person’s face, above the eyes

  (4) Harry has to fight against bad wizards and do the right things.

  Wizards: a person who knows magic.

  2. Ask students to translate the following sentences.

  (1) The magic, many strange creatures and the adventures Harry comes across at Hogwarts help him understand the real world.


  (2) You must believe in what you do and who you are if you want to succeed in the world - the magic world of Hogwarts and the real one.


  (3) Where someone is born and what a person looks like is not as what he or she grows up to be.


  (4) It is not enough to be strong in heat and mind; we must also believe in ourselves and help others if we want to be happy and live a good life.


  Part 3 ------ Post reading

  Step1: Ask students to find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.

  Para 1: It is a world of magic and wonders, a world where anything can happen.

  Para 2: Harry seems like a normal boy, but his life is miserable.

  Para 3: Hogwarts is an unusual school where the students learn about magic.

  Para 4: Harry has to fight against bad wizards and so the right things.

  Step2: Ask students to discuss the following questions in a group of four, and then ask some of them to answer the questions.

  1. What kind of world does JK Rowling describe?

  2. How does Harry’s life change?

  3. Does any student have strange powers at Hogwarts?

  4. What else does Harry learn besides magic at Hogwarts?

  5. Why does Rowling use strange creatures in her books?

  Part 4 ------ Extension

  Step 1: Ask the students to make a dialogue between Daniel and the reporter.

  1. Teachers’ presentation ------

  The boy Daniel is world famous over night for playing the role of Harry Potter. Now he is often interviewed by many media. Now I want two students a group. One is Daniel, the other is the reporter. The reporter interviews Daniel by asking some questions.

  2. Possible questions:

  (1) Do you like the role?

  (2) Could you introduce something about the role?

  (3) What do you think of your role?

  (4) What do you learn from the role?

  Homework ------

  Write a passage about Harry Potter in about 100 words.

  Period 4 Word Study

  Teaching aims:

  Learn to use the following words and phrases:

  Teaching procedures:

  1. Treat

  Read the following sentences and find out the different meaning of the word in the sentence situation in Column B.

  A.1) The engineer felt that he hadn't been treated fairly. (a)

  2) He treated the animal cruelly. (a)

  3) He treated his mistake as a joke. (b)

  4) Doctor Li treated many patients in the emergency room yesterday. (c)

  5) Marry will treat her sister to the theater tomorrow. (d)

  Column B.

  a) To act or behave in a specified manner toward.

  b) To regard and handle in a certain way. often used with as:

  c) To give medical aid to (someone).

  d) To provide with food, entertainment, or gifts at one's own expense:

  2. used to; be / get used to doing

  A. Ask the students to put the underlined phrases into Chinese and get to know the difference between used to and be/ get used to doing

  1. He used to play cards a lot, but he gives it up.

  2. I didn’t use to like opera, but now I’m getting interested in it.

  = I used not to like opera, but now I’m getting interested in it.

  3. I’ve lived in Paris for six years now, so I’m quite used to the traffic there.

  B. Filling the blanks.

  Use; used to; be / get used to doing

  1. We ____this knife to cut the bread.

  2. This knife ____________the bread.

  3. You’ll soon _________________ living in the country.

  4. It’s difficult to understand Scottish people if you _______________ their accent.

  5. Jack is on school football team. He __________ practising football after school everyday.

  6. When I was a child, I _________ take a flashlight to bed with me so that I could read comic books without my parents’ knowing about it.

  Keys: 1) use; 2) is used to cut 3) be used to; 4) are not used to

  5) is used to; 6) used to

  3. make

  A. Ask the students to read the sentences to understand the meaning of the word in different situation.

  a. make + n + n

  John played football very well, so they made him captain of the team.


  b. make + n / pron+ adj

  Don’t make it too tight, This is for winter wear. (做的…)

  Sit down and make yourselves comfortable. ( 使得…)

  c. make + n

  Now some people are just interested in making money. ( earn, 挣得)

  Yao Ming made over 20 points in one of the NBA games.(get, 赢得)

  d. make + sb. + do

  The boss made his workers work long hours.

  B. Match the structures with the sentences:

  a. make + n + n

  b. make + n / pron+ adj

  c. make + n

  d. make + sb. + do

  1. How much do you make from working part-time. (c)

  2. The teacher made him stay after school because he didn’t understand what the teacher taught in class. (d)

  3. The classroom is so big that the teacher had to speak loud to make herself heard. (b)

  4. John is a born leader, so we made him our monitor. (a)

  4.believe & believe in

  A. Compare the meaning of the words, let students tell the similarities and differences of custom and habit according to the sentences.

  1) Do you believe the news stories?

  2) I believe they will arrive shortly.

  3) You can't believe anything she says.

  4) Do you believe in God?

  5) Some people believe in everlasting life after death.

  B. Filling the blanks with believe or believe in.

  My father is an engineer. He _______ where there is a will, there is a way so he works hard every day. His manager _____________ him and _______ he can set my father all kinds of task.

  5.a series of; kinds of; a type of; dozens of

  1) He saw _________ white arrows painted on the road, but he didn’t understand the meaning of them.

  2) Hurry up, there are _________ people waiting for you over there.

  3) Cotton is _____________ material.

  4) The same ___________ things are produced and sold by many different companies in the U.S.

  5) 1) a series of 2) dozens of 3) a type of 4) kinds of

  6. forehead ( word formation)

  a. Ask the students to explain the word.

  Forehead: the part of the face between the eyebrows, the normal hairline, or the front part of something.

  Foresee: to see or know something beforehand.

  b. Ask the students to guess what the prefix “fore-” means

  Fore-: (1) in front of; (2) before; earlier

  c. Ask the students to figure out the meanings of the words.

  Forearm, foreman, forefinger, forefather, forename, forerunner, foresight, foretell, foreword

  7. Fill in the blanks with suitable phrases.

  use to; come across; in trouble; a series of; believe in

  (1) The key to achieving your goals is that you must ____ yourself.

  (2) He________ spend much time having fun, but now he works hard on his lessons.

  (3) No matter what difficulty you ____ , you should never give up practicing skiing.

  (4) It is good news that there will be ____ funny movies on next month.

  (5) We should try our best to help whoever is ____ .

  Suggested answer

  (1) believe in (2) used to (3) come across (4) a series of (5) in trouble




3.高一英语《school life》课件





