

试题 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  The success of Bolt, Powell and others has triggered hype(天花乱坠的广告宣传)among  Jamaican children. These are their idols and they want to be just like them.

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分,满分30分)

  Liz sighed, “You have no good reason to make me 41 Sara’s party next Friday,  Mom,” she

  42 。 “You don’t even know her, and I think you’re very 43 。

  “No, I don’t know her.” said Mom. “I don’t know her 44 , either, and that’s  45 why I can’t let you go to the party. I’m not trying to 46 your fun. I’m just  trying to 47 you from a possible bad influence.” She smiled at Liz, “Why don’t  you invite Sara over for dinner 48 ? Then I can get to know her better.”

  Liz agreed to her mother’s 49 , and a few days later, Sara came for dinner.  As Mom cleared the table after the dinner, she 50 hearing the giggles and  chatter of the two girls in the next room.

  “Sara seems like a 51 girl,” said Mom after Sara had been taken home, “but I  still need to meet her parents — or at least know more about them — before I can  52 you to spend the night there.”

  As Mom spoke, the 53 came up the house, and Liz’s dog, GG — short for Good  Girl — ran to the door. She barked and growled 54 。 “GG, be quiet!” 55 Liz. She  turned to her mother. “Mom, what is wrong with GG? She should know the mailman.”  She asked.

  “Because she has just had her 56 , she wants to be sure they’re 57 , so she  doesn’t quite 58 anyone she doesn’t know really well.” Mom paused, then added,  “I guess a lot of 59 are like that and fathers, too. So please be 60 with GG —  and with me — as we mother our children. Okay?”
