

试题 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  82。 All profiles for your users are located in their respective profile paths on a member server in your domain。 How do mandatory user profiles differ from roaming user profiles for your users?

  A。 Mandatory user profiles will have their read-only attribute set, whereas roaming user profiles will not。 B。 The permission settings for mandatory user profiles only allow users to have read access, whereas the permission settings for roaming user profiles allow users to have full access。 C。 The suffix of a mandatory user profile is 。man, whereas the suffix for a roaming user profile is 。dat。 D。 The Mandatory Profile checkbox is set on the User Environment Profile screen in User Manager for Domains if the user has a mandatory profile。 If the user has a roaming profile, then the checkbox is clear。 C

  83。 When you use User manager to set location of home directories for some users。 Which parameter you should use to replace the user account name?

  A。 %Homepath% B。 %UserName% C。 %homeDrive% D。 %UserProfile% B This parameter will be automatically replaced by user account name。

  84。 Mike logons from domain A onto domain B。 Domain A trust domain B。 The share name of a domain A "s folder is HEAD。 The Domain Users group of domain B has Change permission to the folder。 The folder is stored on an NTFS partition。 Mike user account only has Read permission for the HEAD share and the Domain Users group for the trusted domain has Full Control permission for the HEAD share。 What will be Mike"s level of access?

  A。 Change B。 Read C。 Full Control D。 No access, because the trust is not set up correctly A? The local access level is Full Control, and the network access level is Change。 Altogether, the access level should be Change。

  85。 Mike is member of three groups: A1, A2, and A3。 The rights to a directory called DUTY are shown below: A1 Read A2 Change A3 Full Control What are Mike"s effective rights in the DUTY directory?
