

试题 时间:2021-08-31 手机版


  Peter was ten years old. One day his friend Paul _____1_____him, “I'm going to have a birthday party ____2_____Saturday, Peter. Can you come?”

  Peter asked his mother and she said, “Yes, you can____3_____” She phoned Paul's mother to tell her. Before Peter _____4_____the party, his mother said to him, “Now, Peter,____5____ to be polite.(客气)Don't ask _____6_ ____ food. Wait until someone gives it to you.”

  “All right, Mum,” Peter answered, and he went to Paul's ____7_______ ? on his bike.

  There were a lot of children at the party. They played for an hour, and then P aul's mother gave them some food, but she forgot 、_____8_____ Peterany. He waited politely for 、____9_____ minutes, and then he held his plate up(举起) and said loudly. “___10______ anyone want a nice clean plate?”

  1. A、 said to B、says to C、said D、talked to

  2. A、 in B、on C、at D、of

  3. A、 go B、to go C、went D、going

  4. A、 go B、come C、went D、came

  5. A、 not to forget B. don't forget

  C、doesn't forget D、didn't forget

  6. A、 to B、any C、some D、for

  7. A、 family B、house C、home D、room

  8. A、 giving B、give C、to give D、gives

  9. A、 few B、little C、a few D、a little

  10. A、Does B、Do C、Did D、Is


  One summer, Jim and John wanted to visit(参观)another city. Both of them bought the tickets and got into the train. In the train John couldn't find his ticket in his pockets(口袋). Jim found the ticket on the floor and picked it up. But he didn't tell John about it. He put it into his own(自己)pocket.

  After a while(过了一会儿),the conductor came. He wanted to check the tickets,John was very afraid(害怕).He had to hide(藏)himself under his seat. When the conductor came, Jim brought out two tickets from his pocket.

  “Who is the other?” asked the conductor.

  “My friend doesn't like to sit. He likes to lie(躺)on the floor under the seat,” Jim answered.

  1. One summer, Jim and John went to another city 、.

  A、by bike B、by car C、by plane D、by train

  2. In the train 、__________________ couldn't find the ticket.

  A、JimB、JohnC、Both of them D、they

  3. 、__________________ found the ticket on the floor and picked it up.[来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K]

  A、 Jim B、John

  C 、the conductor D、another passenger(旅客)

  4. When the conductor came, Jim brought out

  A、two tickets from his bag B、a ticket from his pocket

  C、money from his pocket D、two tickets from his pocket

  5. Why didn't Jim give the ticket to John?

  A、 He wanted to have two tickets?

  B、He wanted to travel alone

  C、 He wanted to play a joke(玩笑)on John

  D、He wanted to help John
