

评语 时间:2021-08-31 手机版


  1、You are an honest and hardworking girl.You leave me a very deep impression.No pains,no gains.I hope you will make more progress in English study in the future.

  2、You are a hardworking girl.You have a gift for English study.Where there is a will,there is a way.Wish you a fantastic future.

  3、You are a straight-forward boy.I appreciate your creativeness on class.I hope you can make more improvement on your handwriting in later day.

  4、You are an earnest and hardworking girl.Your English is very good.I hope you can take part in more class activities.Wish you a terrific future.

  5、You are a shy but hardworking girl.Try to be more active on class.Be confident,you are the best.

  6、You are an honest boy.You are good at running and jumping.Wish you be a superstar in the near future on Olympics.

  7、You are an excellent boy.Your school performance is very good.Pay more attention on English study.Wish you a successful future.

  8、You are a clever girl.You have a good memory.I enjoy your activeness on calss.I hope you will prove yourself as all gold will shine.

  9、You are an intelligent boy.You have the ability on language learning.Wish you step into your ideal university and learn your favourite major.

  10、You are a diligent boy.You leave me an impression of hardworking.Hope you can achieve your dream.

  11、You are an ambitious boy.You are a good leader.You have an innovational mind.Hope you will achieve your dream.

  12、You are a smart boy.Though you have some troubles on English study.I wish you can get a good performance on all subjects.

  13、You are a well-educated girl.You have a broad mind.Wish you achieve your dream.

  14、You are a serious and hardworking girl.Maybe a little shy.Try to open your mind to the world.Best wishes.

  15、You are an honest girl.Try to be more active on class.Be confident.You are the best.

  16、You are a brilliant girl.Try to be more energetic on study.Wish you a wonderful future.

  17、You are an attractive girl.You leave me an impression of quite.Wish you have a sweet life.

  18、You are an aggressive girl.Try to communicate with your classmates on studying.Wish you make more progress in later day.

  19、You are an energetic boy.You have a dream,and I hope youn can achieve your dream by hardworking.

  20、You are an out-going girl.You give me a sense of optimistic and sunny.Wish you be happy everyday.

  21、You are an excellent boy.I appreciate what you have done in your handwriting and believe you will be successful on your study.

  22、You are a handsome boy.I enjoy your activeness on class.Wish you a glorious future.

  23、You are an earnest girl and dutiful on your job.Thank you very much for your assistance on my teaching.I hope you can make more progress in your handwriting.Wish you a splendid future.

  24、You are an active and passionate girl.I appreciate your participance in class activities.Wish you a happy life.

  25、You are a very careful girl.Your handwriting is a marvel of neatness and order.I am sure there is nothing difficult for you to overcome.

  26、You are a clever girl.I appreciate your handwriting so much.Wish you make more improvement on your study.

  27、You are a humorous boy.You may have some difficults on English,I hope you will make more progress in later day.

  28、You are a sunny boy.You are very active on class.Pay more attention on English grammar.Work harder and you will make more progress.

  29、You are an open-minded boy.I enjoy your activeness on class.Wish you make more improvement on English study.

  30、You are a mild girl.You show your tender feelings to others.I hope you can be more strong to face any difficult.

  31、You are a gentle and shy boy.I hope you can pay more attention on studying.Wish you be more open-minded and have a successful life.

  32、You are an easy-going boy.You are very active in daily life.You leave me an impression of serious.Wish you a happy life.

  33、You are a hardworking girl.Maybe a little naughty sometimes.Try to be more independent.Wish you a successful study.

  34、You are a frank boy and a dream-follower.Wish you step into your ideal university.

  35、You are an industrious girl.Try to be more mature in daily life.Believe yourself.Best wishes.

  36、You are an optimistic boy.Keep this mind and stick to it.Your life will be full of sunshine.

  37、You are a knowledgeable girl.Reading is an excellent way to broden your view.Stick to your dream,you will success.

  38、You are an out-going girl.Your handwriting is good,but need more practice.Practice makes perfect.Believe yourself.Best wishes to you.




  1. 你是一个漂亮大方的小姑娘,口头表达能力较强。小牛顿把制作好的风车摆在同学们面前时,不是由于讲不出风车里面的原理而同样遭到同学们的奚落吗?你有一颗渴求知识和进步的心,又怎能因小小的挫折而放弃努力呢?要知道,你只是在学习上缺乏持之以恒的精神,对自己的信心不足而已,所以一些简单的基础的东西反倒打败了你。聪明的姑娘,还记得“铁棒磨成针”的典故吗?只要下苦功并再细心一点,你的心愿一定会实现,老师期待着这一天的早日到来。

  2. 你活泼大方,心直口快。你劳动认真,待人热情,敢于伸张正义。课堂上你清晰响亮的回答“一语中的”的见解令人心悦诚服。忘不了你精彩到位的节目主持,忘不了你声情并茂的朗读,忘不了你越来越漂亮的书写,望不了你让人舒心的试卷……张老师期待你在学习中能更胆大心细,博览群书,不断积累,相信你的明天会更加灿烂辉煌!

  3. 文文雅雅是你美好的气质,朴朴实实是你优秀的品格,勤勤恳恳是你良好的习惯,每当老师讲课到精彩之处时,总能尖刀你嘴角露出的一丝微笑,你是老师最忠实的听众。但须知道课堂上你才是主角,克服胆怯心理大胆发言吧,你将成为一名品学兼优的好学生。

  4. 你是一个聪明活泼的小姑娘,爱劳动,有礼貌,乐助人,有时你很善解人意,话都说到人心坎上去了。学许用心,表演大方,可“马虎粗心”却成了你前进路上的“拦路虎”,努力赶走它好吗?期待你成功后灿烂的笑容。

  5. 在老师眼里,你是一个斯斯文文的、沉默少言的女孩。你的作业字迹端正,待人彬彬有礼,乐意接受别人的意见。只是在学习上不够自觉,总是让老师牵挂。希望你今后在学习上要狠下苦功,争取赶上好同学。

  6. 你的天真单纯让人喜欢,你的懒散好动又让人心烦。要好起来,作业工整,发言积极,但只是短暂的断续的,为什么不能专心一点持久一点呢?要知道“成功是从来不和懒汉交朋友的”,刻苦学习吧,相信聪明的你一定不会辜负大家的希望!

  7. 知道吗?开学初你的顽皮好动着实让老师头疼。欣慰的是现在你变了,那么听话守纪,认真专注,那坚持分钟的端坐身姿和以前简直判若两人,真让大家刮目相看!可是,要想取得好成绩,除了要好外,还得会动脑筋,讲究方法,望你新的一年里多和“细心”交朋友,进一步提高学习成绩。

  8. 你是一个文静、懂事的女孩。平时能严格要求自己,是老师的好助手。学习认真,成绩优良,作业字迹端正、清楚,是同学们学习的楷模。希今后再接再厉,学习更上一层楼。

  9. 在老师眼里,你是一个既聪明又内向的男孩。你无论做什么事都能认真对待。你尊敬老师,团结同学,因(此,深受老师和同学的喜爱。令老师最感欣慰的是,你做的作业总是那么清楚,上课时也能听到你的发言。老师真诚地希望你今后多看课外书,拓宽知识面,提高写作水平。

  10. 沉静稳重是你的个性,认真塌实是你的品格,你的负责能干,好学上进,让你具有很大的亲和力。是老师心目中的得力助手,同学心中的优秀学生。你那一手隽秀老练的铅笔子,实在令人折服!望上课发言再大胆些,在集体活动中展示你的风采。

  11. 你是一个性格内向的孩子。同学与你较易相处,学习上较认真,上课专心,老师布置的作业能按时完成。但活动中不大活跃,兴趣不浓。上课举手不积极,学习不得答,正确率不高,成绩不够理想。希你今后大胆发言,争取取得优异的成绩。

  12. 每堂早读课上,老师都能听到你朗朗的读书声,每次作业你是那么认真,每堂课上,你听得那么专心,发言非常积极,平常你很会整理学习用品,你真是一个有礼貌、讲卫生、爱学习的好孩子。

  13. 你是一个内向、不善多言的孩子。你尊敬师长,友爱同学,关心集体,乐意为大家服务。学习上你自觉认真,上课也能开动脑筋,举手发言,但作业不能够及时完成,希对自己要求再严一点,争做一个名副其实的好学生。

  14. 你是一个忠厚、老实的男孩。平时能和同学友好相处,气量大,胆量较小,但上课不专心,爱开小差,老师布置的作业不能按时完成,学习成绩特别差。希今后改掉坏习惯,争取更大的进步。

  15. 你是一个性格内向、聪明伶俐的男孩。平时能按时完成老师布置的作业,学习认真,成绩优良,做事认真。但可后不太喜欢活动。希今后上课大胆发言,多看课外书,努力提高写作水平。
