

杨玉环 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  As a Chinese saying goes, "An old husband married a young wife." the Emperor was deeply intoxicated in debauchery. The "new bridegroom" spent much more time in leading his life of indulgence in sensual pleasures; therefore he neglected his administrative duty. Simultaneously the Emperor tried to appoint more officials from Yang’s family and relatives who played an important part in the court, and the original higher officials, especially in the border regions, got so furious that rebellions happened at last. The rebelling army killed her first cousin and at the same she was hung in 756, in Maweipo, Xingping County, Shaanxi Province. Although it took seven years to wipe out the seething rebellion, the Tang Dynasty turned progressively worse.

  作为中国古代四大美女之一,人们对杨贵妃都感到同情 和惋惜,关于她的故事也一直被人们津津乐道 。我们现在夏季 常吃的水果 ——荔枝也是杨贵妃的最爱。唐朝大诗人 杜牧的《过华清宫绝句》就讲述了这个真实的故事。

  However, as a beautiful concubine, Yang Guifei was still attractive to everyone showing great sympathy and regret to her. So the common people still told about her story as a pleasure. Particularly in early summer when we have various sorts of fruit to eat, we will be used to remind of the beautiful lady who took litchi as her favorite fruit. And still her story has been told about litchi. Here I’d like to quote the Tang Dynasty famous poet Du Mu’s poem about it.

  “长安回望绣成堆,山顶千门次第开。一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。”荔枝不容易保存,在没有现代化交通工具的唐代,靠飞马从南方传送荔枝到长安是多么的困难 。但是为了讨好杨贵妃的欢心,唐玄宗还是令人骑上快马,从岭南七天七夜,以接力的方式,从千里之外运送荔枝到长安,以供杨贵妃享用。在荔枝传送的途中,差官和马匹常常会累死,他们的千辛万苦只是为了换得杨贵妃的一笑,而人们不知道送的是荔枝,还以为是紧急公文呢。  I look back Chang’an hilltop embroidered in multicolor,Its palace gates consecutively open one after another. Whipping the horse galloping up dust is the rider, No one knows the concubine smiled for litchi drew near.

  The poem tells us a true story in his poetic way. In ancient times, no easy traffic provided as we have but riding as the best way. In order to transport litchi from the southern China to the capital city of the Tang Dynasty, it was necessary for heralds to ride on turn for one stop to another and still another. The herald should carry litchi on horseback and whipped it galloping fast to the traveling palace on Lishan-hilltop as a termination so as to meet the beauty’s favorite need.
