

感恩节 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  The City of Glass

  Several years ago, when i was young, (by the way, i am also young right now, but at that time, i was a school girl, fresh and pure. ) i loved the movie named The City of Glass so much, it acted by HK actror Liming and Suqi, who were in pair in reality as well.

  I ever promised to write something about it, but, not yet until right now.

  If u are my old friend, u would know that when i love something too much, i would never collect anything about it any more. That's my special habit. Because, i thought, love doesn't mean to owe it, but to leave it in memory, only it is to be memorized can remain the most perfect impression in your heart. My friends always said, in that point, i was extrodinary, honestly, no one wants to lost her favourite ones as well as me.

  Cherish it and make it perfect it for ever. That's my inner thinking.

  Through that movie, i began to love London and Cambridge, i love the environment and the surrounding and all about it, even the feeling cross through the whole story.

  I love all the songs appeared in the movie, such as never happened in life, cambridge, new year's eve, the most touching me is try to remember. I can always remember when Liming played the guita and saung the song, voiced"when i sing the song, i love u mostly" wow, at that time, he is very handson and gental.

  You guys should think i am a daydream girl or such a infantility miss.No,I never like that.I am realism.

  I love the movie just because there is anything happened in nowadays or there is seldom happened in our reality life. And there is anyone can deny u don't want to seek for the pure and frank love. No one can refuse.

  Well, if u want to gain, please give the same way as well, that's what i want to say.

  And by the way, if u were interested, please search the DVD and i promised u would never be regreted to view.
