

开学 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  Reflection after going home

  "When a good student is difficult, when a good leader is more difficult, it is even more difficult to be a good leader." I have realized the meaning of this sentence, or the old saying, reflect on yourself. Hope they can be positive later!







  “当一个好学生难,当一个好的组长更难,当一个好组长好学生更是难上加难!”我算深刻明白了这句话的含义,还是那句老话,也反思反思自己吧!希望他们以后能积极向上!  开学的英语作文带翻译3

  Looking back yesterday, I also laughed at by others in the middle of the night can't sleep because of the school to watch TV, it's not, I also can not sleep, wake up several times at night, thinking: the teacher should be early to go to school is busy, isn't it? Are students happy to wear new clothes to school? ...... I took suspense to get out of bed, just went out to have a cool autumn wind to face oncoming, "oh, very cold, good composition 800 words" the beginning of the beginning of school to think composition 800 words: school begins "." I said to close the door, wash my face and brush my hair. I looked up at the clock and hurried to school without breakfast.

  At the school gate, I saw the shy and shy zhang Lin. She greeted me with a smiling face, and I went up to her and asked her, "who sent you?" He said, "my mother didn't come, my grandfather came, but I can't find my grandpa now." I said, "don't worry, I'll go with you to your grandpa, you go and put your bag down first." He hastened to his head.

  Just in class, the sunny boy, wang feng, beckoned to me, as if the wild horses on the prairie were restrained, and we put down our bags and headed for the girls' apartment.

  The strangers who didn't know each other helped each other, and the students made way for them. The parents are so hard, the students are so sensible.

  Back to the classroom, the head teacher has already paid attention to the matter. The teacher with a serious and warm heart, long time no see. He was not talking about matters of attention, but of his own children.

  Before we knew it, it was the last class. We listened carefully and said no more mischief.

  A little bit of time goes by...

  It was already night lessons time, students' homework consciously, no noise, whispering, the teacher in charge don't have the heart to break the silence, is swept up, that this is our work, but let the teacher to do, alas! When the teacher came to me, I would like to say a few times, "the teacher asked me to come." But this sentence had been in the mouth for a long time, after all refused to come out. The hard teacher, take a rest.

  The first day of school, the new semester, the new knowledge, cherish every minute, will have the harvest.








  已经是晚自习时间了,同学们自觉的写作业,没有喧闹、窃窃私语,班主任不忍心打破沉寂,自己却扫起了地,那本是我们的活儿,却让老师来干,唉!老师扫到我这儿来了,我几次想说:“老师让我来吧!”可是这句话却在口中带了多时,终究不肯出来。那辛勤的老师啊,您休息休息吧!  开学第一天,新学期,新知识,珍惜每分每秒,必会有收获。
