

  I used to feel anxious and backed into a corner by the questioning, but now as a junior in college, I’m grateful for their support more than anything. This holiday season, I’ve promised myself I won’t huff and get annoyed at their inquiries. I won’t defensively respond with “but I plan to go to law school!” when I get unrequested advice. I’ll just smile and nod, and enjoy the warmth of the occasion.

  1.What disappointed the driver?

  A. The author’s attitude towards him.

  B. The school that the author is attending.

  C. The author’s majors in history and literature.

  D. The author’s interests in African American studies.

  2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “squandering” in Paragraph 4?

  A. wasting

  B. creating

  C. valuing

  D. seizing

  3.Why are immigrant kids expected to be doctors or lawyers?

  A. Their parents want them to move upward in society.

  B. Their parents are high achieving as well.

  C. They have more opportunities.

  D. They are very smart in general.

  4.How did the author react to the driver’s questioning?

  A. Getting upset.

  B. Feeling satisfied.

  C. Defending herself.

  D. Appreciating his concern.

  ??? What’s small, buzzes here and there and visits flowers? If you said bees or hummingbirds, you got it. You wouldn’t be the first if you mixed the two up. Now a group of researchers even say we should embrace our history of considering the two together in the same group. The way scientists study bees could help them study hummingbird behavior, too.

  Scientists first compared the two back in the 1970s when studying how animals search for food. The idea is that animals use a kind of math to make choices in order to minimize the work it takes to earn maximum rewards. Researchers at the time focused on movement rules, like the order in which they visited flowers, and where flowers were located relative to others. It was “almost like an algorithm(算法)” for efficient searching, said David Pritchard, a biologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Hummingbirds and bees had similar solutions.

  As the field of animal cognition(认知) appeared, hummingbird and bee research parted. Neuroscientists and behavioral ecologists developed ways to study bee behavior in naturalistic settings. Hummingbird researchers compared hummingbirds to other birds and borrowed methods from psychology to study their ability to learn in the lab. To be fair, hummingbirds and bees differ. For example, hummingbirds have more advanced eyes and brains than bees. Honeybees and bumblebees are social; hummingbirds typically aren’t.

  But however they perceive(感知) or process information, they both experience similar information, Dr. Pritchard said. In day-to-day searching for food, for example, hummingbirds may rely on more of a bee’s-eye view than a bird’s-eye view. Like other birds, they rely on landmarks, distances and directions to make maps when travelling long distances, but they don’t use these cues to find flowers. Move a flower just an inch or so away from where a hummingbird thought it was and it will hover over the flower’s original location. Dr. Pritchard is investigating if, like bees, hummingbirds engage in view matching — hovering, scanning snapshots of a place to its memory and using those as references later.

  1.What is the center of research on hummingbirds and bees in the 1970s?

  A. Memory.

  B. Movement rules.

  C. Reward calculating.

  D. Information processing.

  2.Which subject’s research methods were adopted to study the learning ability of Hummingbirds?

  A. Math.

  B. Biology.

  C. Ecology.

  D. Psychology.

  3.How do researchers find out that hummingbirds are not like birds?

  A. By setting them free.

  B. By moving flowers.

  C. By matching view.

  D. By making maps.

  4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

  A. Hummingbirds and Bees

  B. Hummingbirds in the Lab

  C. New Trends in Studying Bees

  D. Thinking of Hummingbirds as Bees


  ??? The UN has recognized the contributions of volunteers on Dec. 5, International Volunteer Day. Here, the four things are offered to consider before taking the leap into overseas volunteering.

  Choose your organization carefully

  1. volunteering may be a fundraising mechanism(筹资机制) for a development project. For others, volunteering is fundamental to their programs, and those serving take on professional roles in longer-term development.


  Volunteers want to help and make a difference, but most know this isn’t a purely selfless act. You will learn new skills, broaden your horizons and come to better understand yourself and the world. 3. Reflect on your motivations. You want to help reduce global poverty or protect the natural world, but what else? Have you always wanted to travel, but not as a tourist? Work with kids? When you understand your motivations, you’ll be in a better position to choose the option that is right for you.

  Work alongside the local community

  Often times, travelers volunteer in isolation(隔离) from the local community in which they are working in. 4. This enables you to ensure you are committing to a project that promotes long term and sustainable change.

  A volunteer trip is just the beginning

  5. Further ignite(点燃) the global change maker in you by taking your experience one step further when you return home. Spread the message of your transformative experience to others, helping to spark the change within them.

  A. And that’s all OK.

  B. Know why you’re going.

  C. Don’t assume you know it all.

  D. Communities always welcome volunteers.

  E. Volunteer travel is a life-changing experience.

  F. Some organizations require you to pay your own way, and often include a fee.

  G. Make sure to travel with organizations that have strong partnerships with local communities.


  ??? George Springer helped his team Houston Astros win the World Series in 20xx. He was awarded the Most Valuable Player, ______ his struggle is mostly hidden. His ______ is not in trying to hit a fastball, but in ______ it. He stutters(口吃).

  Growing up in Connecticut, Springer was the kid who would ______ raise his hand in school, the kid ______ every time he opened his mouth.

  “I was the guy who didn’t talk,’’ he said. “I would ______ speaking at all costs.’’
