

英语日记 时间:2021-08-31 手机版


  Our school is on the west of the cultural road.

  Into our school, the art window is on the left, the beautiful and vivid landscape painting with the students' doors in the window, the vigorous and powerful calligraphy, and the beautiful text. It is a small place for the students to show their talent.

  On the right is a beautiful flower bed. In the center of the flower bed, there is a green and tall cedar, and there are many flowers around it. They each have their own posture, one after another: there are flowering crabapple on the branches, and a unique style of flowering crabapple. What a beautiful thing!

  Looking ahead, there is a row of neat green cypress, like the green uniforms of the team for inspection by. There is a sculpture in the cypress forest, a Book covered on the pedestal of the purple red marble, with a silver - white globe on the earth, and there are four golden words on the globe - "to the tomorrow."

  The south is a wide playground. On the top of the playground stands a tall flagpole. Every Monday morning, all the students in the school gather here to hold the solemn flag ceremony. On both sides is the trapezoidal flower bed. There are eight waking words composed of small cypress trees: "study hard and make progress every day". It always urges us to study hard and live up to our teachers' expectations.

  Look! This is our school. Look at it.


  My school is Guihua primary school, and I want to have many lovely days with a lovely campus.

  As soon as he entered the gate, he saw a statue. Three pupils were wearing a bright red scarf in their chest and a book in the hands of the pupils on the left, as if he did not want to waste every minute of his own. He wanted to get better results and never lag behind; the pupils in the back of the school held a colorful flower in his hand. It seems to be cheering for the school to win the championship. The middle school pupils are holding a football in their hands, just as they are thinking about how to win the football team. On the left side of the gate is a studio and biologic garden. The biologic garden allows students to enjoy the beauty of the blue sky leisurely and carefree. The left of the biologic garden is our playground. There are two broad basketball courts in the middle. They can let the boys play basketball in their spare time or take the cool under the basketball frame in their spare time. The basketball court is surrounded by a circle of 200 meters. It can let us exercise the ability to run. In the future, we can learn for the class for the class. School is fighting for light.

  On the right side of the gate is a "mountain" shaped teaching building in which it is a bright and spacious classroom with clean and dusty floors, white tables and chairs, neat rostrum, transparent windows open, and a sunshine into the classroom, so that we learn and grow under the light of the sun. The playground outside downstairs is surrounded by flower beds, with colorful flowers and brighter sunshine.

  This is my school, a beautiful and lovely school.
