

助人 时间:2021-08-31 手机版



  One day I went to my aunt by bus.


  By the first bus, too many people on the bus, aunt's a little far away, but fortunately, mother brought biscuits and water.


  On the second bus, I saw a thief holding a man's wallet with a clip. I thought, "I have to help."." So, I pretended to fall and hit the thief's hand, and I said, "sorry." I made a gesture to the man again, and the man took the wallet and went ahead. As a result, the thief didn't steal the money, but he got to the station again, so he had to get off.


  Today, I am very happy to help other people.


  中午放学回家 ,太阳 火辣辣的照着大地,

  Noon, after school, the sun burning the earth,

  帮助别人,我和妈妈 像往常一样,急急忙忙往家走。

  Helping others, my mother and I were hurrying home as usual.

  突然,我看见一位年迈的大娘正吃力的推着车上台阶,累得汗流满面,我急忙跑过去,使劲的帮她把车推了上去。大娘回过头来,感激的说:“谢谢你,你真是一个热心肠的孩子。”听了大娘的话,我心里美滋滋的。虽然累得我满脸通红,但是帮助 了需要帮助的人,我感到很快乐 !

  Suddenly, I saw an old woman struggling to push the car step, tired Sweat streamed down the face., I hurried past, tried to help her to push the car up. The aunt looked back and said gratefully, "thank you, you are really a warm-hearted child."." Listen to the woman's words, my heart. I felt happy when I was flushed, but helped the people who needed help!
