

自己 时间:2021-08-31 手机版


  The picture above presents to us a scene that a boy, who is sweating heavily, is dashing toward the finishing line. It seems that he will be the winner of the race, yet the caption below reminds us that he must go on striving because the finishing line is a starting line.

  The connotation implicit in the picture proposes to tell us that facing the success, we should not abandon ourselves in the joy and excitement, which will be history soon, but to focus on the future for another success. In other words, persistent thirst for more successes is indispensable for us to obtain a series of achievements. On the one hand, the thirst for more successes means a powerful motive force, which could drive us to seek something valuable in our lives. On the other hand, the lack of enough impetus is the cradle of resignation, and it’s difficult to see how a person, who lacks enough impetus, could obtain what he or she wishes in such a fiercely competitive society. Accordingly, what I have stated above could sufficiently testify that the persistent thirst for more successes plays a key role in one’s cause.

  To exemplify such a relatively abstract principle, let’s take George Best, a famous football player of England, as an example. Best was the best player in 1960s, but the star suddenly fell when he became immersed in his past achievement and prestige and addicted to alcohol. So, we can conclude that persistent thirst is the passport to a perpetual success.


  The two pictures above show a brief history of world commercial fishing to us. In the first picture, a fishing ship is sailing in the sea, where is abundant in various kinds of fishes in 1900. By contrast, innumerable ships are seeking fishes in 1995, but there is only one fish in the sea. We can learn from the pictures that with the rapid social and economic development, the number of fishes has sharply decreased.

  Clearly, the two pictures reveal a noteworthy trend that the quick development of world economy has been accompanied by a corresponding destruction of environment and ecosystem. The reasons may be as follows. On the one hand, the unreasonable principle that the development of our economy is our only object leads us to overlook the significance of environmental protection. On the other hand, the progress of modern technology that enables us to exploit more nature resource aggravates the worrying situation.

  Undoubtedly, we should reverse the disturbing trend because our achievement in economy may be offset by the destruction of environment and ecosystem. More and more adverse examples all over the world can sufficiently testify that without a good environment, the economy can’t develop sustainably.

  In my opinion, the new development mode proposed by our government that we should pay due attention to environment protection while developing our economy is desirable, but the comprehensive implementation of that notion needs our joint efforts. Accordingly, we should bear in mind that the harsh reality warrants our prompt attention, and the effectual measures guarantee a bright future.


  The picture above is trying to arouse our consideration about the role of the automobile over time by posing a striking contrast. More than one century ago, having seen the invention of the modern transportation, the two men could not help giving the shout “with this, we can go wherever we want!” However, the traffic congestion is so heavy now that the drivers in the cars are dozing off when trapped in this “disaster”.

  What the painter purposes to tell us is that while the rapid development of economy and technology enables us to enjoy the advantages of modern vehicles, it also leads to heavy traffic jam, a serious problem that has preoccupied many metropolises and caused many inconveniences to us. Undoubtedly, the heavy traffic congestion not only wastes people’s time and energy, but also affects residents’ normal life, not to mention the exhaust fumes that exacerbate air pollution and endanger people’s health.

  In my opinion, the city that can provide us with happiness and comfort is the city that can ensure good traffic condition, and it’s imperative for us to get moving to reduce the frequency of traffic congestion. As we all know, people’s shift from the private cars to public transportation is the most effective means to ease the troublesome situation, but the comprehensive implementation of this idea entails our government’s endeavor to improve related facilities and reduce the cost of bus and subway. Accordingly, we should bear in mind that the quality of life in cities can be improved only when the traffic jam is relieved.

  (There is no denying the fact that the vehicle, as the representative of modern technologies, does bring convenience and efficiency to us, which could facilitate our life and work. But the dramatic technological advancements that have already provided us with speed and comfort have also increased the risk that we may be submerged in the “car sea”, suffering the polluted air.)


  As is shown in the picture, a man is hesitating about attempting his first step, because he finds that the path to success is so rugged and arduous that he may face many formidable tasks and a variety of impossible mission. It seems that success is too remote for him to achieve, yet a ladder named optimism laid on the road reminds us that he can conquer the difficulties in the way if he take advantage of it.

  What the painter proposes to tell us is that since the road to success is bound to be bumpy and full of inevitable setbacks, we should be optimistic and mentally prepared to confront the obstacles on the road. In other words, optimism plays a key role in our life. However, it’s not difficult to find that there are two strikingly different attitudes toward the life and toward the pathway to success now. Some people, like the man in the picture, are pessimistic about the way to success and exaggerate the difficulties. Undoubtedly, this sort of outlook on life will result in either resignation or depression, prohibiting personal improvement and progress. On the contrary, there is no doubt that those people who take a sanguine view about the prospect and life will reap the harvest at last.

  In my opinion, an optimistic outlook is of utmost importance for us in today’s society which could be characterized by fierce competition, enormous pressure and busy life style. It will not only help us achieve success, but will also bring a fulfilling life to us. Accordingly, we should bear in mind that optimism is the passport to success and happiness, and a bright future will be on the horizon if we keep optimistic in the face of difficulties in our life.
