

工作计划 时间:2021-08-31 手机版




 Articles of Association for Limited Liability Company

  第一章 总 则Chapter 1 General Provisions

  第一条 本章程根据《中华人民共和国公司法》、《深圳经济特区有限责任公司条例》和有关法律法规,制定本章程。

  Article 1 These articles are formulated in accordance with the Company Law of the P.R.C., the Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Limited Liability Companies, and relevant laws and regulations.

  第二条 本公司(以下简称公司)的一切活动必须遵守国家的法律法规,并受国家法律法规的保护。

  Article 2 The current business (hereinafter “the Company”) shall conduct all activities in accordance with state laws and regulations, and subject to the protection thereof.

  第三条 公司在深圳市工商行政管理局登记注册。

  Article 3 The Company is registered with Shenzhen Industrial and Commercial Administration Bureau.

  名称: Company name:

  住所: Domicile:

  第四条 公司经营范围为:投资兴办实业(具体项目另行申报);汽车配件的销售,国产汽车(不含小轿车),国内商业、物质供销业(不含专营、专控、专卖商品);旧机动车交易;汽车租赁;经济信息咨询(不含限制项目);货物及技术进出口 。

  Article 4 Business scope of the Company: industrial and commercial investments (specific programs to be separately applied for); sale of auto parts, domestic automobiles (excluding passenger cars), domestic product and material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, special-controlled, and monopolized products); trading of used motor vehicles; auto rental service; economic information consultation (excluding restricted ones); import & export of goods and technologies.


  The business scope as approved by the registration authority will be final and valid. The Company shall conduct business within the approved business scope.

  第五条 公司根据业务需要,可以对外投资,设立分公司和办事机构。

  Article 5 The Company may, according to actual development, make investment and establish branches and offices in foreign countries.

  第六条 公司的营业期限为二十年,自公司核准登记注册之日起计算。

  Article 6 The business term of the Company is 20 years calculated from the date of registration.

第二章 股 东Chapter 2 Shareholders

  第七条 公司股东共2个,名称与住所如下:

  Article 7 The Company has two shareholders in total, names and domiciles as indicated below:

  股东名称 Name of shareholder 地 址 domicile

  第八条 股东享有下列权利:Article 8 The shareholders shall have the following rights:


  (1) to elect and be elected as director and supervisor of the Company;


  (2) to hold shareholders’ meeting in accordance with laws, regulations, and these Articles;


  (3) to supervise the business activities and daily management of the Company;


  (4) to consult the Company’s articles of association, minutes of shareholders’ meetings, financial & accounting reports, and to raise suggestions and inquiries for the Company’s operation;


  (5) to receive dividend in proportion to contributed capital, and to have priority over contribution of increased capital;


  (6) to implement the agreement reached by and between Party A and Party B in the case of winding-up or dissolution of the Company;


  (7) (when lawful rights being compromised by the Company) to request a competent people’s court to ask the Company to correct such behavior, and to claim for compensation if any loss is sustained.

  第九条 股东履行下列义务:Article 9 The shareholders shall fulfill the following obligations:

  (一)按规定缴纳所认出资;(1) Contribute capital in accordance herewith;


  (2) Be responsible for the Company to the extent of respectively contributed capital;


  (3) Shall not withdraw contributed capital after the Company is approved and registered;


  (4) Abide by these articles of association, and keep corporate secrets as confidential;


  (5) Support the Company’s operation and management, and propose reasonable suggestions for the Company’s business development.

  第十条 公司成立后,应当向股东签发出资证明书,出资证明书载明下列事项:

  Article 10 Once the Company is established, a capital-contribution certificate shall be issued to the shareholders, on which the following items are indicated:

  (一)公司名称;(1) Company name;

  (二)公司登记日期;(2) Date of registration;

  (三)公司注册资本;(3) Registered capital;

  (四)股东的姓名或名称,缴纳的.出资;(4) Name and contributed capital of shareholder;

  (五)出资证明书的编号和核发日期。(5) Number and issuance date of such certificate.


  The certificate shall bear the legal representative’s signature and the company seal.

  第十一条 公司置备股东名册,记载下列事项:

  Article 11 The Company shall prepare and keep a register of shareholders, on which the following items are indicated:

  (一)股东的姓名或名称;(1) Name of shareholder;

  (二)股东的住所;(2) Domicile of shareholder;

  (三)股东的出资额、出资比例;(3) Capital contribution and proportion made by shareholder;

  (四)出资证明书编号。(4) Serial number of capital-contribution certificate.
