

演讲稿 时间:2021-08-31 手机版




  students in this 9.6 million square kilometers of land, which his uncle did not know the name! his name is called - lei feng.

  when they replace their vehicles in a business trip, feng found a middle-aged woman carrying a child’s train ticket, and lost money, he used his allowance to the sister-in-law bought a train ticket from jilin go. it is therefore a stay chuan phrase: "lei feng travel thousands of miles one good one to do the train." this is lei feng.

  lei feng selfless, willing to sacrifice things really are too much.

  today, the lei feng spirit of the people in the probation, in between there are a lot of our revolution, "fool." lei feng has left us more than 4years, but his spirit is with the times, shine forever.

  traffic police, they stand in the street on day and night, to withstand the test of wind and rain, frost withstand the torture, whether it is a cold winter or hot summer, they always standing there; regardless of family and friends are still ordinary people, they always impartial and incorruptible, impartial treatment. they pay for this cause too much too much, sacrifice too much, no matter how difficult the road, they decided to do so. traffic police are not our great-human transmission is lei feng?

   the  teacher, they work day and night, i do not know the number of correct operation, i do not know how many little rest at night. in their teachings, we know how to make an aspiring person, a noble person, a moral person, a person the benefit of the people; in their care under the guidance, i do not know how many people have embarked on a the success of the road. they love their work, paid in full, return was always someone else’s happiness. them asa candle, burning himself, and lit up the others, and our hard won ding lei feng-human transmission is not it?


  Honorable judges and dear friends:

  Can you do the same thing every day for 10 years,or even longer?

  Can you help anyone who you’ve never known before? I asked these questions to my young students when teaching English this winter break. So what were their answers?

  Well, they just looked at me bewilderingly. And then they smiled at me in silence. Indeed, how cute and innocent that smlie was, but how seriously my heart was hurt. I was just too frightened to keep listening to more answers like that. So,most of us cannot do it. But LeiFeng can.

  LeiFeng died when he was only 22, but he remained a great deal of spiritual wealth to us.

  LeiFeng likes reading books. No matter when and where, no matter how busy he was, he always took 5 hours a day to do some reading. So he became smarter and smarter through his tough perseverance.

  So my dear friends, it is perseverance that keeps us continually doing something that is valuable or admirable in spite of any difficulties and discouragement. It is perseverance that keeps us renowned in due course.


  Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, honorable judges, my speech today is the Lei Feng spirit in grass-rooted lives.

  For the past 50 years, Lei Feng is more than just a name in China. He is hailed as a cultural con, symbolizing selflessness, sacrifice, hard work and patriotism. He said “There is a limit to one's life, but no limit to serving the people.” with this in mind, Leifeng fulfilled his life with selfless contribution. He said “A person for the revolutionary cause, just like a screw for a machine.” The passion of sacrifice burst out of his chest and lit the flame national wide. He said “we should be diligent and create wealth with our own hands”. With these hands, he worked hard in every position and won series of honors. He said: wherever you go, take the country into consideration. Wherever he went, he left behind him a trail of good deeds.

  He is excellent, but we seem to forget, the person we deified was only an ordinary soldier. He did not commit great deeds by which he was remembered, he did not make great changes for the society. He is only a grassroots-based civic hero, who is of the people and inspires the people.

  Of course you cannot serve for your entire life, but, can you plant a seed of helping in your mind and develop a character of generosity. Yes, you can. Can you give out your seat for the elderly on bus? Yes, you can. Can you donate outdated clothes and books to the poor? Yes, you can. Can you reach out your hands for friends who need support? Yes, you can. Then you are making miracles and performing Lei Feng in new era.To learn from comrade Lei Feng is more than a slogan, it inspires the shining part in you. In this picture, (指着画)you see LeiFeng, you see a someone, someone like you.LeiFeng can be him, her, you and me, he is everyone as long as you have the spirit of dedication and help, you will be the modern Lei Feng.


  Do you remember Lei feng? Today is the memorial day of  the learning from Lei feng.

  Lei Feng was born in a family of poor peasants in Wangcheng district, Hunan Province, on 18 December 1940. He didn’t go to school till 1950. At the age of 18, he worked as a steel worker. He was often praised for his good job. On January 8, 1960, he joined the army. In the same year, he joined the Communist Party. Lei Feng died in 1962 at the age of 22, He loved the Party, loved the people, constantly did good for others. So he became a model soldier.

  After his death, Chairman Mao called on the people to "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng”, setting Lei Feng as a good example to the Chinese  the  people to be selfless and noble in thought.

  Since, March 5th has become the official "Learn from Lei Feng Day".

  Lei Feng was  the  always willing to help others, asking for no return. One day, on the way back from clinic station for stomach ache prescription, Lei Feng saw the building of Benxi Road Primary School was under construction, he helped pushing a trolley to ship bricks for several hours. That is Lei Feng.

  Another day, when in a business trip, Lei Feng found a middle-aged woman who carrying a child had lost her train ticket and money, he bought a ticket for Jilin for the woman by using his allowance. Then came a saying goring around that "Lei Feng travels thousands of miles and does good deeds all the way." That is Lei Feng.

  He sent money to the relatives of his fellow soldier without telling them, and donated all his deposit money to disaster areas. Some say he is a "fool," while Lei Feng said he was happy to be a "fool" of the people. That is Lei Feng.

  Lei Feng is selfless, willing to sacrifice, and such examples are really too much.

  Lei Feng has left us more than 40 years, but his spirit stays with the times, shining forever.

  Everyone should learn from Lei Feng. Lei Feng spirit is ever-present.

  To treat comrades like a spring-like warmth, treat work as hot as summer, treat individualism like autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaf to the same treatment as the enemy to be ruthless like the winter.

  What is the meaning of life? Lei Feng by his own actions on the world has given us the best answer. Friends, please allow me to end the speech with the famous sentence:

  Human life is limited, but human services are unlimited, limited to my life, into serving the people go unlimited! Friends, we should emulate the spirit of Lei Feng. The spirit of Lei Feng is always with us.









