
  • 大学生宿舍生活英语作文

    010在线为您甄选多篇描写大学生宿舍生活英语作文,大学生宿舍生活英语作文精选,大学生宿舍生活英语作文大全,有议论,叙事 ,想象等形式。文章字数有400字、600字、800字....缓存时间: 2021-08-31

  • 宿舍生活英语作文

    宿舍生活英语作文宿舍生活是校园生活的一部分,与陌生的同学在一起住,你们该怎么相处呢?下面为大家分享几篇关于宿舍生活的英语作文,一起来看看吧On a HarmoniousDormitory LifeDormitory life is an indispensable part of college life. But...

  • 大学生活寄怀2000字作文


  • 英语作文:我的日常生活

    Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country.I get up at six o’clock every day. After I was...

  • 英语作文:我的学校生活 My School life

    英语作文:我的学校生活 My School life校园生活也是我们学习生活的一部分,下面为大家分享我的学校生活 My School life,供大家参考学习我的学校生活 My School lifeHow time flies! It has been three years since I came to the school. My school is beautiful a...

  • 英语作文: 我的校园生活

    导语:你会跟大家怎么介绍你的学校呢?下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!I love school.I think school is really cool.Let me tell you about my school life. I go to school five days a week.I...

  • 英语作文:快乐的暑假生活

    英语作文:快乐的暑假生活导语:暑假你会做些什么呢?我下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!快乐的暑假生活-Happy Summer HolidaysMy summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to sp...

  • 英语作文:我的学校生活

    Myname is Zhang Xin and I study in No.1 Middle School.Our campus is so large andbeautiful that I am happy to study in our school.I usually reach school at 7 o’clockand our morning reading begins at half past s...

  • 大学生求职信范文英语作文

    篇一:大学生求职信范文英语作文April 6,20XXP.O.Box 3XX UniversityBeijing,China 100000Dear Sir/Madame,Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10Student Daily interested me because the p...

  • 大学生心理健康英语作文

    How to improve student's mental health Nowadays,it is widely acknowledged that mental health plays an important role in people's life.Along with the increasingly fierce social competition,there is no do...

  • 英语作文:美国的高中生活

    美国的高中生活(american high school life)high school in america, after middle school comes high school, which includes grades 9 through 12。 students are required to take certain subjects like english, soc...

  • 生活中的问题英语作文

    Problems in My Life 生活中的问题In the life, everybody has a lot of problem. For example, I am a wonderful student. I can usually get a high mark. I study very well. But sometimes I reckless of the examination,...

  • 宿舍环境的英语作文

    写作文要接近大自然,节假期走出去,见多才能识广。10、接近大自然还能使您收集的素材更加丰富多彩。下面小编为大家带来,仅供参考,希望能够帮到大家。宿舍环境的英语作文篇一:Write about our little collective today, we ...

  • 英语作文:我的高中生活

    英语作文:我的高中生活导语:每个人的生活都是不同的,你的高中生活是怎么样的呢?下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!My School LifeI'm a student. I study in the Yanhe No.4 middle high school. I have a won...

  • 大学生活感悟作文400字


  • 英语作文:未来的生活

    英语作文:未来的生活导语:随着科技的发展,你觉得未来的生活是怎么样的呢?下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!I want to grow up as soon as possible. When I grow up, I can do many things that I can’t ...

  • 英语作文我的小学生活

    英语作文我的小学生活导语:作为一名学生,你觉得你的小学生活过的怎么样呢?下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!I am a student at grade 6,I want to say something about my life in primary school.My school lif...

  • 英语作文生活是就一场战争

    Life Is a Struggle 生活是就一场战争Life is a struggle. I shall never forget the most striking part of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow' s poem -- A Psalm of Life: "In the world's blood field of battle, I...

  • 大学生求职信英语作文加翻译

    篇一:大学生求职信英语作文加翻译Distinguished leadership:Hello, first of all, thank you in spite of being very busy toglance reading my application letter to apply for a job, for a full of enthusiasm university...

  • 英语作文:校园生活

    Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Campus Life. You should write at least words according to the situation given below in Chinese:Campus LifeEarly in seni...

  • 英语作文:我们的文明生活

    Civilization is a good thing. It not only cultivate our sentiments, but also improve our self-cultivation, so that our words and deeds, are standardized. In the "disciples rules" in this book, I learn...