

故事 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  古人说得好:”滴水之恩,应当涌泉相报.”母亲给了我们生命,并含辛茹苦地把我们抚养,这恩情比天高,比海深。我们应感谢这生命 的赐予,这无怨无悔的`付出,应该学会回报母亲,懂得感恩。



  The second Sunday in May has been set aside in honor of motherhood. Many churches have special services in which they honor Mothers of the congregation. They usually present the oldest Mom, youngest Mom, and Mom with the most children a corsage.There is a custom of wearing a carnation on Mother's Day. A colored carnation means that the person's Mother is living.

  A white carnation indicates that a person's mom is dead.Years ago, England observed what they called Mothering Sunday. It came in Mid-Lent.The first suggestion for a day set aside to honor Mothers was made by Julia Ward Howe. She suggested that it be observed on June 2, as a day dedicated to peace.Julia was born in 1819 in New York to a prominent family. She was an American writer, lecturer, and reformer. She was known as one of the most famous women of her time. She wrote "The Battle Hymn of the Republic", which was inspired when she visited military camps in Washington, D.C., during the Civil War in 1861.

  It became the major war song of the Union forces.Julia became interested in the women's movement. She became the first president of the New England Woman Sufferage Association.Three years after Frank Hering of Indiana launched his campagin for observance of Mother's Day in 1904, Anna Jarvis began a campaign to a nationwide obervance of Mother's Day.

  She chose the second Sunday in May. She also began the custom of wearing the carnation.Jarvis' own Mother was honored on the first service at Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton,West Virginia, on May 10, 1908. Later, at the general assembly in 1912, a delegate from Andrews Church introduced a resolution recognizing Jarvis as the founder of Mother's Day, and suggested that Mother's Day be observed on the second Sunday in May.

  President Woodrow Wilson signed a joint resolution in Congress on May 9, 1914, recommending that the federal government observe Mother's day. The next year, the president was authorized to proclaim an annual holiday.


  It was Mother’s Day. Sun Zheng thought he should do something for his mother. He decided to help his mother do some housework. After school he went to a shop to buy some food on his way home.

  When he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food,though he couldn’t do the cooking well. Thenhe cleaned the room. He felt very tired, but he was very happy.

  When his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and dishes which weren’t so nice, they were very happy.They had their supper together. His mother said, "Thank you,my child!"










6.母亲节的来历 意义


