

天使 时间:2021-08-31 手机版




  After the outbreak of the epidemic in Wuhan, all regions supported Wuhan and bravely went to the front to contain the epidemic!


  In these days when the virus appears, there are many moving pictures every day. Those soldiers who are fighting in the front line are working silently in their posts to protect the health of patients. They give up rest and give up the time to be reunited with their families to fight with the virus! Although they are facing danger and difficulty, they are still retrograde. Some doctors and nurses fall asleep when they lean on the door for 24 hours. They wear white isolation clothes for several hours. Their clothes are wet. There are traces on their faces beside their eyes. Every time I see these, I am moved to cry!


  Pay homage to the medical staff on the front line! You have worked hard! It is your selfless dedication that brings countless people 's health! We are confident to defeat the epidemic situation! China refueling Wuhan refueling!


  Come on, angel in white!



  This virus made all medical staff on the first front in Wuhan give up the opportunity to accompany their families for the Spring Festival reunion


  I always think about what to do in case of being infected by the virus. Every day, I race with the God of death, pulling patients back from the edge of death.


  The medical staff in Wuhan, wearing heavy isolation clothes, thought it was difficult to take them off. In order to buy more time, they all went to the hills with diapers. I'm proud of the red and swollen faces of doctors in their 20s and 30s.


  I want to salute you. It's your sacrifice that gives us peace. Come on, China. We can defeat the virus。


  Today, our school issued a book called "very touched during SARS"

  When I got home, I quickly opened my book and read an article about Aunt Ye Xin. The general content of it is that Ye Xin, who was the nurse General of Guangdong traditional Chinese medicine hospital since 1984, picked up a patient who was very ill and had to be rescued immediately and in time. "It's dangerous here. Let me do it!" Ye Huchang said at the risk of being infected with SARS. In a blink of an eye, four days later, the hateful SARS finally sneaked into Ye Xin's body, and Ye Xin finally fell. When the medical staff came for examination and treatment, Ye Xin said: "don't get close to me, it will infect!" The medical staff's eyes are red.

  I was moved. Here I want to say: "what is an angel like? I'm afraid nobody knows. But today, I see a real angel in white - Ye Xin. She, in order to save mankind from the devil, fought with the devil with her flesh and blood at the last moment of her life. She has always been a hero, leaving danger to herself and hope to others.

  Here, I also want to pay tribute to the vast number of medical staff! And learn from them. Grow up to be a contributing person to society.










