

夏令营 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  A. To get gifts from guests.B. To raise money for charity.

  C. To become cooks.D. To make healthier eating choices.

  2.What can we infer about Lanster and Moran

  A. They will give up cooking forever.

  B. They are sure about their future jobs.

  C. Their parents support cooking as a job.

  D. They will stop cooking for college application.

  3.How can we best describe Lanster and Moran

  A. Selfish and reliable.B. Creative and helpful.

  C. Confident and careful.D. Outgoing and patient.

  4.What can be a suitable title for the text

  A. A Great CookB. Eat as you Wish

  C. Helping by CookingD. Cooking for School Fees

  The extreme hot weather often makes people restless with sweats in summer. Even though people are annoyed by it, experts suggest that summer is the best season to give out your body’s poisonous matters and refresh your energy.

  One popular choice is hot-stone massage(按摩). Therapists(理疗师)use smooth and heated stones, usually river rocks, to massage certain parts of the body, or set them on key points of the body. The warmth of the hot stones will promote blood circulation and also help muscles relax, while sweating is also believed to be good for letting out the body’s poisonous factors.

  Another popular choice is hot-stone baths. The hot-stone bath will help the body give out poisons and humidity(湿气) that build up during the last winter. Summer is the best season to form a good body. Rather than use water or steam to heat and wash the body, people simply wear a coat or something comfortable, and then lie on heated stone tablets made of hot stones, which are warmed to around 45oC. The body will gradually warm up and blood circulation will also be improved. More sweat will come out quickly. The sweat is smooth and fresh, not smelly like that released after sports activities. Such baths bring a number of health benefits, such as anti-aging, improved blood circulation and stress relief. The slimming effect of dieting can even be promoted.

  It dates back to ancient times to use hot stones for treatment, but the modern hot-stone massage generally owes to Mary Nelson, a native of Tucson, Arizona, America, whose trademark is “La Stone Therapy”.

  The therapy is earning a good fame and popularity with many people, especially those who are often seated in cool rooms with air-conditioners. The hot-stone therapy can help cure many illnesses, back pain included.

  1.What’s the best method people use to let out poisons in our body according to the text

  A. Swimming .

  B. Doing sports activities.

  C. Sweatingt.

  D. Improving blood circulation and stress relief

  2.What can be inferred from the text

  A. People should take advantage of summer to improve their health.

  B. There are no toxins and humidity in the body in summer.

  C. Using water of about 45oC to wash the body is good for the health.

  D. Sports have greater effects on the health than hot-stone massage.

  3.What can be learned about the hot-stone therapy

  A. It was invented by Mary Nelson, an American.

  B. It successfully cured many people of cancer.

  C. It is popular with people because of its excellent effects.

  D. It can help people avoid sweating too much in hot summer.

  4.Where may this article be seen

  A. On an entertainment magazine.B. On a health care magazine.

  C. On an education magazine.D. On a technology magazine.

  Whenever something looks interesting or beautiful, there’s a natural impulse(冲动) to want to own and preserve it — which means, in this day and age, that we’re likely to reach for our phones to take a picture.

  Though this would seem to be an ideal solution, there are two big problems associated with taking pictures. Firstly, we’re likely to be so busy taking the pictures that we forget to look at the world whose beauty and interest drove us to take a photograph in the first place. And secondly, because we feel the pictures are safely stored on our phones, we never get around to looking at them, so sure are we that we’ll get around to it one day.

  These problems were noticed right at the beginning of the history of photography, when the average camera was the size of a grandfather clock. The first person to notice them was the English art critic, John Ruskin. He was a traveler who realized that most tourists make a boring job of noticing or remembering the beautiful things they see. He argued that humans have a natural tendency to respond to beauty and wish to have it, but that there are better and worse expressions of this desire. At worst, we get into buying souvenirs or taking photographs. But, in Ruskin’s eyes, there’s one thing we should do and that is attempt to draw the interesting things we see, no matter whether we have any talent for doing so.

  Ruskin was very upset by how seldom people notice details. He strongly disliked the travelers who prided themselves on covering Europe in a week by train. “If he be truly a man, no harm to go slow; for his glory is not at all in going, but in being.”

  1.People are eager to take pictures at seeing something beautiful because ___________.

  A. it’s human’s born desire of owningB. it’s convenient to do so with a mobile phone

  C. they are used to hurrying for everythingD. they cannot wait to share it with friends

  2.When taking pictures, people may ___________.

  A. find a good way to store good memories in their minds

  B. feel it hard to learn the skills of taking good photos

  C. ignore appreciating something attractive on the spot

  D. have chances to meet the challenge of new technology

  3.According to the last paragraph,travelling people are usually proud of ___________.

  A. the long distance that they have covered

  B. the happy hours that they have gone through

  C. the advanced transport tool that they have taken

  D. the great convenience that they have been offered

  4.We can conclude that Rustin attached importance to ___________.

  A. travelling around the worldB. taking beautiful photos with a camera

  C. taking photos instead of painting picturesD. admiring the world’s beauty attentively


  In our daily life, some people prefer to hold on to the past and play it again and again like a broken record. 1.. However, those with no regrets let go of the past and live joyfully at present. They also live by the following principles.

  1. Following your unique path leads to greater achievements.
