


  Industry/position: travel/hotel/hotel/entertainment/food catering management, enterprise management, hotel management expected monthly salary: negotiable nature of work: full-time

  Industry/position: assistant general manager of the senior management/management, operation and management, market expansion anticipated salary: negotiable nature of work: full-time

  Education experience

  School name: hunan changsha institute of environmental protection professional: resources and environment and urban and rural planning and management At the time: the 2008-09-01-2008-09-01 degree: college degree

  School name: henan YanJin County first professional senior middle school, high school of time: the 2005-06-01-2005-06-01 degrees: high school

  Language ability

  Language: English: general

  Work experience

  Company name: spend one thousand generation of grilled fish

  Working time: the 2016-04-15-2016-04-15

  Company size: keep it a secret

  Department: front desk

  Job classification: travel/hotel/hotel/entertainment/dining restaurant manager

  Position monthly salary: keep it a secret

  Job description: responsible for the overall operations of the restaurant.

  Xinxiang large department stores, because the mall close to leave

  Company name: xinxiang inscription is superior catering management co., LTD

  Working time: the 2015-04-10-2015-04-10

  Company size: 10 ~ 100

  Department: food and beverage

  Job classification: tourism/hotel/hotel/entertainment/food and beverage manager

  Position monthly salary: keep it a secret

  Job description: responsible for the management of the entire restaurant operations

  Company name: xinxiang landscaping engineering co., LTD

  Working time: the 2013-09-10-2013-09-10

  Company size: 100 ~ 200

  Department: Marketing Department

  Job classification: sales sales manager

  Position monthly salary: keep it a secret

  Job description: 1, the bidding information collection, market development, customer relationship maintenance;

  2, responsible for bidding documents preparation, the overall layout of bid documents, printing, photocopying, binding, etc, and in accordance with the provisions, finished on the tender;

  3, make preparations for project bidding, contract negotiation with the customer, determine the project schedule, quality, cost and other relevant matters;

  4, the fixed unit price, total price calculation problems in the process of tender and promptly report to the superior leadership, to ensure that offer accurate, reasonable, competitive; 5, responsible for the relevant departments to actively coordinate with project director and company problems in the process of tender documentation, to ensure that the tender documents on time delivery.

  Company name: changsha kaifu district west lake floor restaurant

  Working time: the 2011-07-08-2011-07-08

  Company size: 500 ~ 1000

  Departments: general manager

  Job classification: tourism/hotel/hotel/entertainment/catering board secretary and general manager assistant

  Position monthly salary: keep it a secret

  Job description: 1, assist general manager to complete restaurant daily operation and management. Daily management for the general manager or decision to collect and provide relevant data or information.

  2, assist the company to draft rules and regulations, etc. A series of solutions.

  3, responsible for the solution of the board of directors to draft, the notice of the board of directors of group at regular intervals and data file, and the company regulations for implementation.

  4, responsible for the restaurant food safety work and restaurant advertising,

  5, responsible for the coordination work restaurant of all departments.

  6, assist the general manager of the restaurant of the whole operation management, and puts forward constructive Suggestions. Overall management of floor work.

  7, together with the personnel department is responsible for personnel management and recruitment restaurant.

  8, responsible for the restaurant food safety work.

  9, responsible for the restaurant and the government functional departments and docking of all things.

  Company name: hunan sheng tong sheng tong international business center of science and technology group

  Working time: the 2010-09-05-2010-09-05

  Company size: more than 1000 people

  Department: VIP reception departments

  Job classification: tourism/hotel/hotel/entertainment/catering assistant manager

  Position monthly salary: keep it a secret

  Job description: hotel senior personal butler: is mainly responsible for the VIP reception, the full name of the customer belongs to the gold key of the hotel.

  Self assessment

  I have good organization and coordination ability, a strong sense of responsibility, meticulous, patient with work to discover, to the thing have good insight; Good at to communicate with people, humbly accept others and correction, interpersonal relationship is good, can make a collaborator can also be a leader; Line power, the concept of time is strong, higher requirements of self. Since the work in the company also has been approval and high praise by the company, enterprise management experience. Hopefully with your company together with progress, getting the zhu GUI company progresses day by day!



  姓名: yjbys

  性别: 男

  学历: 大专 政治面貌: 中共党员(含预备党员)

  生日: 1988-12-24 民族: 汉族

  婚姻状况: 已婚 籍贯: 河南-新乡市

  身高: 180 公分 体重: 85 公斤

  专业: 资源环境与城乡规划 工作经验: 4 年

  期望工作地点: 新乡市


  行业/职位: 旅游/宾馆/酒店/娱乐/餐饮 餐饮管理,企业管理,酒店管理 期望月薪: 面议 工作性质: 全职

  行业/职位: 高级经营/管理 总经理助理,经营管理,市场拓展 期望月薪: 面议 工作性质: 全职


  学校名称: 湖南省长沙环保学院 专业: 资源环境与城乡规划管理 就读时间: 2008-09-01 至 2011-06-10 获得学历: 大专

  学校名称: 河南省延津县第一高级中学 专业: 高中 就读时间: 2005-06-01 至 2008-09-01 获得学历: 高中
