

经典美文 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  《儿子和情人》<Sons and Lovers  《虹》<The Rainbow 《恋爱中的女人》<Woman in Love

  33.乔伊斯 James Joyce

  《都柏林人》<Dubliners  《青年艺术家的肖像》<The Portrait of The Artist As a Young Man  《尤利西斯》<Ulysses

  ■ 美国部分

  Started with Washington Irving's<The Sketch Book and ended with Whitman's <Leaves of Grass, also

  called 'the American Renaissance'Free expression of emotion, escapes from society, and return to nature

  New England Transcendentalism 先验主义/超验主义

  1.欧文Washington Irving - father of the American short stories, the American Goldsmith

  Perfected the best classic style that American literature ever produced

  First novel <A History of New York

  <The Sketch Book contains German folk tales <Rip Van , <The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

  2.爱默生Ralph Waldo Emerson - the spokesman of New England Transcendentalism movement

  <The American Scholar, <Self - Reliance, <The Over-Soul

  <The Poet a reflection upon the aesthetic problems in terms of the present state of literature in America

  <Experience a discussion about the conflict between idealism and ordinary lifeAmerican Puritanism, European Romanticism, intuitive knowledge, over-soul, individual, nature

  <Nature is regarded as the Bible of New England Transcendentalism

  3.霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne

  Interior of the heart, there is evil in every human heart, which may remain latent, perhaps, through the whole life, but circumstances may rouse it to activity

  <The Scarlet Letter

  <Young Goodman Brown

  4.惠特曼Walt Whitman

  Openness, freedom, individualism

  I - me, my nation (society), Free verse, Envelope structure, Catalogue (Listing)

  A new ideal, a new world, a new life-style

  <There Was a Child Went Forth how a child is greatly influenced by his growing environments

  <Cavalry Crossing a Ford a scene of the American Civil War, all the movements described in this picture are frozen.

  <Song of Myself Whitman is a man bubbling with energy and laden with ideas, spontaneous expression of his original ideas

  5.麦尔维尔Herman Melville - a master of allegory and symbolism, like Hawthorne<Moby-Dick the first American prose epic, Ishmael both as a character and a narrator, the captain, Ahab is a monomaniac

  Realistic period - the Gilded Age, the poor poorer and the rich richer, people's attention was now directed to the interesting features of everyday existence

  Local colorism, social Darwinism, bestiality, beyon man's control

  6.马克?土温Mark Twain - the true father of American literature

  Local colorist, vernacular, simple sentence, 'the damned human race' The Gilded Age

  3 boyhood books<Life on the Mississippi, <The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, <Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

  <Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Huck's inner conflict about whether or not he should write a letter to tell Miss Watson where Jim is.

  7.亨利詹姆斯Henry James - international theme, psychological realistStream of consciousness, interior monologue, free association

  <Daisy Miller the narrator is an American expatriate, named Winterbourne. Daisy is the most innocent girl. The clash is between two different cultures.

  8.迪金森Emily Dickinson

  Based on her own experiences, her sorrows and joys

  <This is my letter to the World express Dickinson's anxiety about her communication with the outside world.

  <I heard a Fly buzz - when I died - description of a moment of death

  <I like to see it lap the Miles Dickinson makes the train part of nature by animalizing it, like a horse.

  <Because I could not stop for Death - personify death and immortality so as to make her message strongly felt

  9.西奥多?德莱塞Theodore Dreiser - America's literary naturalists Case history including everything Determinism (heredity biological & environment), survival of the fittest, the jungle law Trilogy of Desire -<The Financier, <The Titan, <The Stoic <Sister Carrie 'who shall cast the first stone?'

  The modern period - the second American Renaissance, the expatriate movement, the Lost Generation, a transformation from order to disorder

  Seize the day, enjoy the present, spiritual wasteland, collective unconscious, psychoanalysis

  Imagist movement, Jazz Age

  10.庞德Ezra Pound - a leading spokesman of the 'Imagist Movement'

  <The Cantos

  <In a Station of the Metro Pound attempts to produce the emotion he felt when he walked down into a Paris subway station and suddenly saw a number of faces in the dim light. To capture the emotions, Pound uses the image of petals on wet, black boughs.

  <The River - Merchant's Wife: A Letter

  <A Pact agreement with Whitman's free verse

  11.弗洛斯特Robert Lee Frost - four times awarded Pulitzer Prize, pastoral life and scene

  <After Apple-Picking

  <The Road Not Taken

  <Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

  12.尤金?奥尼尔Eugene O'Neill - founder of the American drama, won the Pulitzer Prize four times

  毛猿<The Hairy Ape

  13.司哥特?费兹杰拉德F. Scott Fitzgerald - spokesman of the Jazz Age, Dollar Decade, 1920s

  A double vision of the Jazz Age, both an insider and an outsiderAmerican Dream

  了不起的盖茨比<The Great Gatsby

  14.海明威Ernest Hemingway - awarded the Nobel Prize

  Iceberg style, Code hero, the lost generation, grace under pressure

  <Indian Camp from <In Our Time birth and death coexist

  15.福克纳?William Faulkner - awarded a Nobel Prize

  South, imprisonment in the past

  Stream of consciousness, multiple points of view

  Yoknapatawpha Country

  <A Rose for Emily Emily is regarded as the symbol of tradition and the

  old way of life. Thus her death is like the falling of a monument.





  Ⅰ.Multiple Choice (40 points in all, 1 for each)

  Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write your correct answer on the answer sheet.
