

散文 时间:2021-08-31 手机版

  PABLO: OK, yes. That‘s better now. Can you move the—can you move the candle a little bit toward me?

  OSCAR: No.

  PABLO: No. It‘s…

  GROSVENOR: Move the candle a little bit, Oscar.

  OSCAR: Perfect. I saved it.


  GROSVENOR: You saved it.

  PABLO: Yes. Great.

  OSCAR: But now…

  GROSVENOR: Family reunions are going on all over the cemetery. People are talking, eating, and communing with their relatives, living and dead.

  OSCAR: They‘re feeling what I‘m feeling, but in a different way, because somebody else died in their family. And I think they‘re under a lot of stress, too. So, everybody here is even.

  GROSVENOR: Back at the hotel, I ask Oscar what he meant by being "even."

  OSCAR: Everybody lost a mother or father or aunt when they get real, real old. Or they could die in a car accident like my dad, or they could die from breast cancer like my auntie, or they could just die normally like my great,great grandmother. It‘s kind of hard to go through with whoever died and can do it, you gotta—you just gotta go on and go on and go on. You can never give up on your ancestors.

  GROSVENOR: I came to Oaxaca hoping to make it better, hoping to help Oscar find an answer to why death came for his dad. We left Oaxaca without answers, but we came away comforted.

  Did you feel his presence any time you were here?

  OSCAR: Yeah.


  OSCAR: When I was sleeping, I felt something scratching me, and I wasn‘t.

  GROSVENOR: What do you mean?

  OSCAR: When I was asleep, I, like, felt some—a wet, some wet things, like on my cheek right here and—and I felt something wrap around me like this. And that‘s, I think it was my dad giving me a hug and a kiss good night.

